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  • The Empowering Strength of Stoicism: A Philosophy for Women

    The Empowering Strength of Stoicism: A Philosophy for Women


    Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that dates back to ancient Greece, has often been associated with resilience and emotional restraint. While historically male-dominated, Stoicism holds profound benefits for women seeking empowerment and inner strength in today’s world. In this blog post, we explore how Stoicism can be a guiding light for women, empowering them to navigate…

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  • Tropicowork: Warm Coworking

    Tropicowork: Warm Coworking


    Coworking spaces have revolutionized the way we work, providing a dynamic and collaborative environment for professionals of all backgrounds. However, temperature preferences often become a divisive factor, especially for women and men who tend to run cold. That’s why Tropicowork was created. Imagine a coworking space thoughtfully set at a cozy 77 degrees Fahrenheit, offering…

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  • Hello world!

    Hello world!


    Creating this personal website because my mentor made me do it. 😝

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